Tuesday, 4 February 2014
My blogger page has moved!
Just to let you all know, that I now have a new website for my singing, please do check it out at: www.debbiebridge.com and that is where you will find any future blogs, as it's been all put into one place!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
I just love trains, planes, ships and automobiles...
On this business trip to Leicester (where they found the King Richard III remains) its 3 trains, but I love this form of transport. I am off there for my latest shoot on my first TV film documentary. What fun! (Cannot say anything about it, but it will air next year in the US and the UK – possibly elsewhere!)
Back to my journey – I encounter someone playing the piano at St. Pancreas station, London, someone on the phone talking about their recent love encounter and trying to figure out how to turn off my phones connection to the Wi-Fi on the train, as it costs money – don’t want to pay for it!
One reason I enjoy these long journeys is that is when I find the time to read through notes, write my monthly blog (like this one), clear out my stacks of monthly industry reads (magazines, newspapers, etc.), memorise lines, analyse scripts, send emails (love new iPhone for this feature alone, let alone some of the others I keep finding – Shazam is a great app for finding what song you are hearing in a public place, but cannot remember the name), and read a book (managed to finish several books lately which I have been reading for ages).
It is off the train at Leicester and straight to the taxi rank and then to the hotel. Taxi drivers seem to want to take the men before or after me, but avoid the lady in front of me and myself……hm?! Still off in the taxi and to the hotel. Room has ‘great night sleep guarantee’ – good thing as I am tired and love good nights of sleep, especially in what seems a quiet hotel. Want an early night anyway, as it is an early shoot and need to get another taxi to the shoot early in the morning.
So nice to have a big bed with clean sheets and 4 possible pillow types! It is tea time and re-charge the batteries as well as the phone.
I love travelling. I have been doing it since I was a baby and my parents flew me across Canada to meet my Dad’s parents and then flew me off to Austria to meet my Mom’s relatives at the age of five. Nothing is close in Canada, so have got used to the distances and have found the joy in staying in new places and discovering new things. Airports were places of real joy, either we were going to an amasing place or coming from one or someone I love was arriving or leaving. It was like a ritual to meet people at the airport and I was always fascinated at where everyone was going and what they were taking with them – how some people travelled with so little and others, my Grandmother, managed to pack the world in her suitcases, suitcases that were larger than her – how did she move them around?
Trains were a wonder to me, as a kid they were just something you rode around on in the fairground, so when I found out they had adult, travel the whole world ones, not to miss the luxury ones, like the orient express and such, I was hooked. This Christmas I will be singing Christmas carols on the steam Bluebell Railway, mainly because I just love the trains, plus it’s a load of fun. Gives me an excuse to sing all the songs I love at Christmas, as my family is in Canada, so no singing around the fire.
Now, back to hotel rooms, I have always loved the fresh sheets and the fact that the bed was always made every day. There is something to be said about the fact there is little to clutter the rooms and I love to check out what little surprises maybe in the bathroom basket or desk drawers. Many a pen has come home with me, just cause!
My Dad travelled a lot, he was a travelling salesman, of a sort, but he did it in style and we often got to travel with him on weekends or extended business trips. So I saw all sorts, so when I get the chance to travel with my own work, I feel like I get to peak into this world and enjoy its adventurous wonders and learn to navigate it’s quirky moments. I can honestly say, I love it each time and hope to do more and in much grander style – I’m afraid those early business trips of my Dad’s showed me a glimpse and I have caught the travel bug!
Ok, in early, but crew are 2 people down, so we run into overtime for me. I end up being the last actor off set while the crew/directors tear down and prepare for their next day’s shoot. I have had a 13 hour day on set, then the trains and taxi’s to get me home again and in bed by 1:30am.
Still an amasing day, well looked after, plus I have had my ‘superman’ moment which I will tell you more about once the film comes out, if it didn’t hit the editing floor.
Also, found out that I was working with another friend and she recommended me for the job. Just goes to show, it can really be about who you know! Plus that old saying that other actors cannot get you work is not true, as she is a fellow actor on the shoot and she recommended me to the casting person on the shoot – a friend of hers! So grateful to her, as the director was a joy to work with and my acting friend confirmed with me when it all airs and with the Discovery Channel and the BBC.
It was an exhilarating, fun experience. The crew, extras and fellow actors were a joy to meet and work with. Found out the director has a similar passion for planes, as I do – so cool!
Now to bed and onto the next adventure, this will be ‘down under’.
By the way, someone else was playing the piano on the way back down through St. Pancreas station – love’n it! Happy travels to you!
Sunday, 29 September 2013
On the set for the first time....
My first TV docu-drama - what FUN! While I cannot tell you anything about the story line, I can say what a great day I had on the set of my first TV programme. My role is not a big one, it could be one of those blink and you miss me, but boy was it fun. I even had the joy of working with a fellow acting friend which made the whole experience less nerve wracking - as I just had no idea what to expect.
The day started with hair and make-up - even if it's not for a glamorous part, it still feels great to have someone do it for you. Then straight from that into the first shoot. A quick brief on what to do, one rehearsal and it's 'rolling' time with the cameras and the black and white signs to say scene whatever - action! We did a large variety of angles and shots. I had always heard there was a lot of sitting around, well that was not the case for me when the day started - it was hit the ground running time.
Later, I sat around quite a bit, but because I had a friend with me, it was great catch up time, plus get to know the other cast and crew. I even managed to have a sneak peak at what they were seeing through the camera - wow, what a difference it makes to see it through the lens!
It was quite a small camera, but such incredible picture, very exciting! Very vivid and clear images were created on what looked like a camera you would just take photos on. Boy has the industry changed! Naturally, they still use the big cameras for big motion pictures, but this kind of work, they get what they need on a hand held camera. Takes were short, sometimes once and no more than three. It is hit the mark and mood of the character right there and then or forget it. Depending on what the scene needed, we might get one rehearsal - glad I had learnt the lines well. It was worth putting in the extra time.
Not sure when this will air on TV or where, but it will be sometime next year and they say they will let me know.
So for now, I move onto the next one, which I will be filming next week - cannot tell you much about that one either, but what a joy to get to do 2 in one month. Just goes to show, nothing for ages, then it all comes at once, this is not me complaining, just always amased at how life works!
I have to be honest, I do love the speed in which these projects happen, do not get me wrong, I also love rehearsing to really get to know the character and the story, but this was so nice just get in, do the job and you are out. On my next project, I get to overnight for the first time, as we have to go to a special studio for the shoot - cannot wait - TV business trip!
Monday, 2 September 2013
Things I am Good at and things I am not so good at.....
For years, I have learned ideas, training and knowledge on how to's: how to sing, act, dance (this was awhile ago), do social media, build websites, write blogs, follow up leads, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera - as the King of Siam (Yul Brynner) was known to say in the musical 'The King and I' - basically skills for my job and business skills. The later not always fitting so comfortably in my personality.
I realised, I do not do 9 to 5 well - quite literally, I tend to feel a slow death when I work such a regulated life, so I came to accept this a long time ago. Since, this acceptance any 'outside'entertainment jobs have avoided the 'normal' office environment, as I just do not thrive there. This is not to say I have never worked in an office - for years when I first arrived in the UK - I worked as a temp. I am very grateful for the skills I learnt and that I know it is an environment I can do well in - skill wise that is, but does nothing to feed my soul. I know some of you may be groaning with that last one, as you have managed to get past this, I just tend to get physically ill, not all of us are as tough as the ones who manage to make 9 to 5 work for them.
I have been lucky, I managed to do an 18 month business support course (Profitnet) (got the certificate and everything!), where I gained valuable skills and tools. Since then I have continued to do 'top up's on various business skills workshops - most recently on negotiation. Best way to do this, I have found is through the Federation of Entertainment Unions. They offer free - yes that is correct - free workshops, with some that have minimal costs, for those who are part of Equity and other entertainment unions. Also, my local council has offer low or free workshops for people like myself, so the help is out there, just have to go out and find it.
Now, where is all this heading? Well, with all this training and knowledge you would think I would be brilliant at making things happen for myself, but despite all of this knowledge, when it comes to selling me and doing the hard core cold calls, I find I do not get very far. I can do this for others, but for me, I find it difficult.
So, once again, I am looking to hire an arts administrative assistant - my first attempt at contacting a local college which had a course in this ended up with 2 possible candidates - one unsuitable and the other got another job - ho hum!
I can not say why it is so hard to come to terms with this side of myself - maybe it is because I feel I 'should' be good at this, seeing as I know what to do, how to do it and have done it for others, I do not really know. It has been tough for me to even get to the point of looking again - seems a bit decadent from my humble position in life, but I will never know until I try. So...
So fingers crossed, my new part-time (very part-time for now) assistant will be found, will work out and I will finally see the other side of the hole I have dug myself into and get out and thrive in the profession I love.
See ya on the other side!
The photo is me in my Cardinal Outfit - find out more on the website!
Monday, 29 July 2013
Meisner this, Meisner that, but what is it?
I get asked this question a lot about Meisner acting training and it's true what you hear, every person you speak to will describe it to you differently, so mine will be in a long list of what it means to me.
I encountered this training a few years ago at the Actors Centre in London, great place to keep your skills up! There, I just kept hearing about Scott Williams, Impulse Theatre and his Meisner classes, some people didn't like it, but most raved, quite often with the enigmatic line 'You're wearing a blue shirt', then the person would espouse on how amasing this was, so I thought, strangely, I have got to try it and find out why saying, 'You're wearing a blue shirt' would send people into accolades of joy and appreciation for an acting technique.
It was a week-long introduction class to Scott's understanding of Meisner training, as he was one of Meisner students, but also, a student of Bill Ball, who had an equal and strong impact on Scott's approach and interpretation to this technique. Well, I went along for the week and it was like my world had been turned upside down and there it was going to stay and needed to. I was spinning from what I heard and knew it was just what I had needed and I had wanted in my approach to my work. Scott is a very positive, supportive and an 'easy to use' teacher (by this I mean, I always left feeling better, rather than some teaching I've experienced where my guts were pulled out, looked at, left on the floor and not put back together again), at least this is my opinion.
So after, doing this week, I was determined to sign up for his 2 year course - 1st year is just learning and working on the technique of Meisner, leading up to doing scenes at the end of the first year; the 2nd year is doing plays and using the techniques learnt in the 1st year in the more practical situation of full-length plays.
For me that 2 year period changed my work, changed me and showed me how much more I could be doing to help me and my world through the work I do. I am a more in the 'moment' performer. I have had it said so many times since doing this course, what a confident performer I am, how energetic and exciting, because you just don't know what is going to happen next. Just what you want people to say about how theatrical performances can come across and always be alive, just what I loved about great performances as a kid.
I've learnt to love whatever and whomever is in front of me and learn to work within the 'given circumstances' and not need to judge my or others work with the 'fine toothed' comb which all my other training has taught me to be like - not a way that helped me at all, as I would just spend a lot of time judging my and others work, rather than just doing it - hence feeding insecurities rather than building the confidence that people see in me today.
I feel very honoured and lucky to have been able to do the Meisner training that I have and if you want to find out more about Scott's work and the Impulse theatre just click on the links.
If you want to find out about the classes I'm leading for the month of August, but also continue year round in Brighton on this technique check out our facebook page and the website. Happy Meisnering and happy performing to all!
Monday, 1 July 2013
A business trip...
Hopefully you are all aware, I am soon off for a week to Buxton, which I hear is beautiful and in the heart of the Peak District in England! An area I have wanted to go and stay in for awhile and what a better positon to be in than going there to do a show - 'Hamlet'. Many of you native based may know Buxton for it's bottled water.
This trip is a dream come true in many ways! I am working with a director I have been trying to work with for three years. You see, our director for 'Hamlet' has her own company called 'Butterfly' and I first met Aileen Gonsalves in the final year of my Meisner acting studies and she is one of the few directors, I know of, who works in the Meisner style.
So for 3 years, I have been emailing her about what I am doing and where, only to come back from Canada to find she has emailed me asking me to audition for this production of 'Hamlet'. I can't tell you how excited and thrilled I was; that all those years of doing the 'right thing' to then finally get the audition and then, golden egg time - the part! I am playing Gertrude, Hamlet's Mother in this 1 hour version of 'Hamlet'. It is fast paced, to say the least, as it requires us to get the normally 3 to 4 hour play across in one hour and then do it 3 times a night!
To be honest, we will not know if it is night or day, as an added bonus, our 'Hamlet' is set in the bowels of the earth - Poole's Cavern! So the audience promenades through the caves while we do the play - the actors never leave the stage, so to speak, we just pop in and out of the ghostly players in this highly inventive and exciting 'Hamlet'.
So what better business trip could I ask for, this is a part of my work I just love, seeing parts of the UK while doing what I love. I love to tour and I have been very fortunate to see many parts of the UK, more than many natives! So Buxton will soon be a joyous addition to that list of towns I have been lucky enough to see.
To book tickets, just click on any of the highlighted 'Hamlet's or use this link: http://www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk/whats-on/hamlet-in-pooles-cavern
Rumours are it usually sells out, so better get them earlier rather than later!
Saturday, 1 June 2013
A week in the life of...
Following on from last month's blog on why I came here and having had many people asking me lately what I do, I thought, I would give people an idea by letting you know what I have been doing in the last week.
- taught a Meisner acting class
- then off to an docu-drama film audition in London
- admin in the morning
- then promo slot at Fringe City for 'Miss Givings'
- then off to watch a friends show in the evening, as part of the Brighton Festival Fringe
- admin day in office
- re-record backing tracks for 'Miss Givings'
- admin afternoon plus coaching session with Justina Vail
- do 3rd show of 'Miss Givings'
- edit re-recorded backing tracks for 'Miss Givings' and email them out to the director for Bristol show
- admin in the afternoon
- sing at Little Bay Brighton in the evening
- do all day training workshop in London on negotiation
- write blog
- then go to yoga in the evening
As you can see admin takes up a lot of my time, so admin includes emails, phone calls, learning lines, learning songs, social media/press work, letters/documents, finances, filing, applying for auditions/work, etc. - just like any other business.
This is just a sample, as every week is different, but encompasses more or less the same. I am never bored or lacking in things to do. Naturally you can add eat, sleep, wash and time with hubbie and friends in there, as well!

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