Wednesday 21 May 2008

A Delicate Balance - Work/Life

Well, this is not an original topic but, it seems to be one I’m always battling. I seem to spend a lot of time working at the administration work of being a singer and a lot less at the actual act of singing! It always seems like everyone else just gets work so easily, so how do they do it? If you are one of those, who the work just keeps rolling in, please let me know your secret. I have got all the usual systems in place – website, an agent, constantly trolling wherever I can for auditions, etc… It’s just never ending and it never seems to take off of its own fruition. To give you any idea, take a look at my diary on my website ( That will give you an idea of what is actually on the horizon. There are a lot of possibilities, but only a few confirmed events.

So if any of you have any pointers on what I could do to help get more performing work, please get back to me, I’d love to hear from you or if you are struggling like me, I would love to hear your struggles as well!

Speak to ya soon!

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